Associate degree


An associate degree is an undergraduate program offered to students after intermediate or equivalent education. An associate degree is skill-oriented and particularly intended to allow the students for an early entrance in the job market or to have the basic knowledge for your own business. The Associate Degree Program can be said as a program that is equivalent to a BA Degree that is 14 years of education. Designed to be finished in two years, it comprises a different variety of programs such as business, accounting, commerce, computer science, IT, HR, Marketing, etc. An Associate Degree program is usually organized to be accompanied in four semesters over a two years period and contains 66-68 credit hours.
Associate's degree students can take courses in training for a particular career. Credits earned for an associate's degree can be calculated toward the achievement of a bachelor's degree. A student can earn an associate's degree at a specific university or college which offers it.

Benefits of Associate degree:

There are many advantages of using Associate Degree, some of which are mentioned below:
·         The biggest advantage that an associate degree has is its time period for completion i.e. 2 years which is considered by many students rather than 4 years bachelor's program. Many people who want to be an entrepreneur that is they want to open their own business and want to have basic knowledge about business they can opt for associate degree rather than 4 years bachelors program so they can start their business as soon as possible with required understanding on fundamentals.
·         Another advantage is that you can also go for further studies after completing your associate degree you can also choose masters that is if an institute which is offering masters requires 14 years of education. Many master programs require 14 years of education like MBA executive.
·         The associate degree also has an advantage for greater opportunities that is you can go for further studies on the same career or you can go for a new career.
·         You start your professional life early in the stage which is essential for you as getting in a professional field while you’re young will be beneficial for you in so many ways possible.
·         An associate degree is also helping those people who quit studies after high school or college just because they can’t waste another 4 years for many reasons. More people like these are opting for an associate degree after their high school or college because they are short and cost-effective and make you graduate in an early stage of life.


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